Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 2 and the excitement is building

            IFDS World Championships Halifax,
        Day 2 on the race course saw mixed fortunes, as the 18' Skud fleet,
        suffered through the doldrums with the first race postponed for
        30  minutes, followed by two General Recalls during the afternoon.

          Crews drifted around getting to know one another ..


                  Pete has been bearing up well, with the temperature today
                 hitting 27degrees..... a bit of Queensland sunshine

                        Ame Bambrook and crew Brett Pearce

                                          The kiwis on a stealth mission...

   finally the wind came in with the sea breeze,.. 10 - 14 knots a slight course change was in order and then finally the fleet was away................ apart from the General Recall.... and the Black Flag for the next misdemeanour!


Todays action was all taking place at the windward mark

                                   The Aussies did well from the  start,

               Ame won the rum for the first around the windward mark

     Our other team of Dan and Liesl were not far behind, and the lead   shifted a few times !

                     The Italians and the British are leading the field..

                        Pete and Rachael rounded with the middle of the fleet,

                    there was plenty of satisfying yelling and carry on....


                   The second race saw more challenging buoy roundings ...

              Pete and Rachael in clean air running down to the gate...

                     Canada is showing some home team skills

and as for the Spanish Team ...

                             they had a hard time detaching ....

                                             from the buoy....

                                but I guess we've all been there too!

                     Unfortunately when they finally untangled themselves..

                                          they were in Pete's way too...


                           The day ended with a short, choppy swell,

colourful kites,

                           and after five hours on the water ..
                          it was a pretty good effort all round.

Results can found on the following ;
after four races, Pete and Rachael are in 13th position in a field of 14,so while there is room to go up, just being out there is a buzz...
Leading the field are Italy, Great Britain and The Australian, Dan Fitzgibbon and Liesl Tesch , in that order


  1. Great effort today Pete and Rachael! Once again the racing looked really spectacular and so close...nothing like class racing to make it so just need to keep away from those bloody Spaniards to get a break in the traffic...a few "joder"s will do the trick!! VAYA AUSSIE VAYA!
